
The loader is what was natlinkmain: it loads the various modules according to the config file natlink.ini.

Moreover, it also handles callbacks from Dragon/Natlink.

class NatlinkMain(*args, **kwargs)[source]

main class of Natlink, make it a “singleton”

get_load_on_begin_utterance() Any[source]

this value is most often True or False, taken from the config file

It can also be (set to) a positive int, with which it does the load_on_begin_utterance so many times. After these utterances, the value falls back to False.

With Vocola, there is one utterance delay in the updating of the changed vocola command files.


return the user language (default “enx”) from Dragon inifiles

like “nld” for Dutch, etc.

getconfigsetting(section: str, option: Optional[Any] = None, filepath: Optional[Any] = None, func: Optional[Any] = None) str[source]

get a setting from possibly an inifile other than natlink.ini

Take a string as input, which is obtained from readwritefile.py, handling different encodings and possible BOM marks.

When no “option” is passed, the contents of the section are returned (a list of options)

func can be configparser.getint or configparser.getboolean if needed, otherwise configparser.get (str) is taken. pass: func=’getboolean’ or func=’getint’.

property language: str

holds the language of the current profile (default ‘enx’)

property load_on_begin_utterance: Any

this value is most often True or False, taken from the config file

It can also be (set to) a positive int, with which it does the load_on_begin_utterance so many times. After these utterances, the value falls back to False.

With Vocola, there is one utterance delay in the updating of the changed vocola command files.

on_change_callback(change_type: str, args: Any) None[source]

on_change_callback, when another user profile is chosen, or when the mic state changes

property profile: str

holds the directory profile of current user profile

set_load_on_begin_utterance(value: Any)[source]

set the value for loading at each utterance to True, False or positive int

For Vocola, setting this value to 1 did not work, setting to 2 does, so you need one extra utterance for a new vocola command to come through.

set_user_language(args: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

can be called from other module to explicitly set the user language to ‘enx’, ‘nld’, etc

property user: str

holds the name of the current user profile

config_locations() Iterable[str][source]

give two possible locations, the wanted and the “fallback” location

wanted: in the ‘.natlink’ subdirectory of home or in “NATLINK_USERDIR”. name is always ‘natlink.ini’

the fallback location is in the installed files, and provides the frame for the config file. with the configurenatlink (natlinkconfigfunction.py or configfurenatlink.pyw) the fallback version of the config file is copied into the wanted location.